graphicreport1 Summary
In this section we have learned about the use of the graphicreport1 type. As we have discovered, these are much more powerful than any of the other methods of reporting we have previously explored, but the price is that they are more complex to create. When choosing which method to use, it is best to remember that each has its strengths and weaknesses. The basic report1 is meant for specialized purposes such as implementing a custom report style that may not even generate output to the screen. The quickreport1 type is useful for creating reports to window or printer (and eventually other targets), with few more requirements than those of the basic report1 aside from defining column information and which also allows grouping and aggregate calculations. Finally, if the report requires a great deal of control in the final result or needs to incorporate images (or a company letterhead), then the graphicreport1 type is the best report for the job.