SIMPOL Documentation


Another SIMPOL language type is report1, which is part of the library called reportlib.sml. It implements a set of functions and types to provide a basic reporting engine. The output of the report1 type is not specified, the output is handled by the calling program. The Quick Report and Graphic Report packages are both implemented by using the report1 type. The primary purpose in making the report1 type available is to allow the creation of custom report types by SIMPOL programmers. For details about working with the report1 package, visit the section called “Working with report1.

Table 22.4. report1 Types
report1The key element of the report system is this type. It is used to define and then run the report.
report1aggregateThis type is used for defining an aggregate calculation for a group or the entire report.
report1aggregatevalueThis type is passed to a function that is handling the aggregate. Unless you are implementing your own aggregate calculation, rather than using one of the ones supplied, you will not use this type.
report1groupProvides the capability of adding one or more groups to a report. Includes events for ongroupstart and ongroupend, to allow the event handler to process the output at the start of the group (group name, etc.) and again at the end (totals).
report1groupinstThis is the type that is passed to the event handling functions for ongroupstart and ongroupend.
report1instWhen a report is running, this type is created to contain the data about the currently running instance of the report definition. It is passed to the events of the report1 object.

The rest of the implementation is mainly the functions that have been pre-defined for handling the various aggregate types. These consist of:

Table 22.5. report1 Functions
report1_agg_getval_count()This is the function that retrieves the value for the COUNT aggregate.
report1_agg_update_count()This function is called to update the COUNT aggregate value.
report1_agg_getval_mean()This is the function that retrieves the value for the MEAN aggregate.
report1_agg_update_mean()This function is called to update the MEAN aggregate value.
report1_agg_getval_median()This is the function that retrieves the value for the MEDIAN aggregate.
report1_agg_update_median()This function is called to update the MEDIAN aggregate value.
report1_agg_getval_mode()This is the function that retrieves the value for the MODE aggregate.
report1_agg_update_mode()This function is called to update the MODE aggregate value.
report1_agg_getval_sum()This is the function that retrieves the value for the SUM aggregate.
report1_agg_update_sum()This function is called to update the SUM aggregate value.

The report1 type is quite powerful, but unless you want to implement your own special report mode, you may find the Quick Report and Graphic Report engines to be more suitable or easily used.