Chapter 37. formlib
Table of Contents
- __formlib_getsource()
- convertwxformtodataform1()
- dataform1mergeforms()
- datasourceinuse()
- datasourceinuse_ca()
- datasourceinusepf()
- datasourceinusepf_ca()
- getlastcontrolid()
- getlastprintcontrolid()
- getnewcontrolname()
- getsyscolornames()
- getsystemcoloridfromstring()
- opendataform1()
- opendataform1fromstring()
- openprintform1()
- openprintform1fromstring()
- outputprintformcontent()
- printform1mergeforms()
- savedataform1()
- savedataform1ctrlsasstring()
- savedf1program()
- saveprintform1()
- saveprintform1ctrlsasstring()
- savewxformprogram()
- tableinuse()
- tableinuse_ca()
- tableinusepf()
- tableinusepf_ca()
The formlib library includes the databaseforms library and provides the functionality for loading and saving dataform1 forms, as well as saving as source code.
string form
string sourcetype
string sourcename
string sourcedirectory
integer username
ppcstype1 codepage
string ppcs
string replacementsourcetype
string replacementsource
type(wxdialogparent) tablename
array parentwindow
string messages
Parameter | Default value | Type name | Description |
form | None | type(dataform1) | |
sourcetype | None | string | |
sourcename | None | string | |
sourcedirectory | None | string | |
username | None | string | |
codepage | None | integer | |
ppcs | None | ppcstype1 | |
replacementsourcetype | None | string | |
replacementsource | None | string | |
tablename | None | string | |
parentwindow | None | type(wxdialogparent) | |
messages | None | array | |
msgtitle | Form open error | string |