Chapter 28. db1util
- db1fieldinfo
- tdataview
- addsysfield()
- addsysfieldext()
- addsystable()
- analyzerecorddata()
- blobtotext()
- checkandupdatetabledefs()
- compareeqdb1recs()
- copy_db1rec_to_db1rec()
- copy_db1rec_to_db1table()
- copyextendedinfo()
- create_sbme1table_from_db1table()
- createdefaultsystemtableentries()
- createextendedtableinfo()
- createsysfields()
- createsysfieldsext()
- createsystables()
- createsystablesysteminexistingsbm()
- deleteallrecordsfromtable()
- fieldval2string()
- getdefaultdisplayformat()
- getdefaultformat()
- getfield()
- getfieldextid()
- getfieldid()
- getfieldinfoarray()
- getfieldscount()
- getfieldsextcount()
- getindex()
- getnewfieldinfoarray()
- getsysserial()
- getsystemtable()
- gettableid()
- gettablename()
- gettableparent()
- getuniqueindex()
- getuniquenindex()
- isdb1field()
- isdb1table()
- isfield()
- isindex()
- islocked()
- lockrecord()
- outputdb1record()
- paddedhex()
- removetablefromsystemtables()
- storerecord()
- string2fieldval()
- string2val()
- tableexists()
- unlockrecord()
- updateextfieldinfo()
- updatesysfield()
- updatesysfieldext()
- val2string()
The db1util library is the primary collection of helpful functions for working with databases in SIMPOL. The db1util name comes from the type tag names that are associated with the single-user SBME component and the multi-user PPCS component. These functions are key components used throughout the data-aware environment and are also used in numerous support libraries.
Type Tags
Object Value
Objects of type db1fieldinfo have no value, and it is an error to try to get or set this value.
type me
string datatype
string name
string displayformat
string help
string comment
string sharename
boolean sharetype
string shareable
string default
string calculation
boolean validation
boolean required
integer read_only
Parameter | Default value | Type name | Description |
me | None | db1fieldinfo | |
datatype | None | type | |
name | None | string | |
displayformat | None | string | |
help | None | string | |
comment | None | string | |
sharename | None | string | |
sharetype | None | string | |
shareable | None | boolean | |
default | None | string | |
calculation | None | string | |
validation | None | string | |
required | .false | boolean | |
read_only | .false | boolean | |
error | None | integer |
Property | Type | Description |
calculation | string | |
comment | string | |
datatype | type | |
default | string | |
displayformat | string | |
help | string | |
name | string | |
read_only | boolean | |
required | boolean | |
shareable | boolean | |
sharename | string | |
sharetype | string | |
type | type | |
validation | string |