SIMPOL Documentation



A wxprintpagetemplate object contains the description of where things will be printed, which font, which position, as well as the graphical objects that appear on any page that uses the template in a wxprintout. Each page in the printout requires a template that establishes what will be printed and where. The data for any given item of text or any image can be associated with the printout, the template or the individual page.

Type Tags

wxgraphiccontainer, wxprintdatacontainer

Object Value


Creates a new wxprintpagetemplate object of the specified size and with the specified background color.

Prototype ( integer width, integer height, integer backgroundrgb )


ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
widthNoneinteger The width of the new page template, in micrometers.
heightNoneinteger The height of the new page template, in micrometers.
backgroundrgbWhiteinteger The background color of the new page template. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.


_type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided.
__type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided. It has the additional feature of being marked with the resolve keyword, so that object resolution can continue down this property.
backgroundrgbrgb Shows the background color of the page.
firstbitmapwxprintbitmap Specifies the first wxprintbitmap object in the ring of bitmaps that contain the data associated with this template. This is .nul if there are no bitmaps associated with the template.
firstbitmapitemwxprintbitmapitem Specifies the first wxprintbitmapitem object in the ring of bitmap items that contain the layout information for an item that is to be printed using this template. This is .nul if there are no bitmap items associated with the template.
firstgraphictype(wxgraphic) Gives the first graphic item on the template, or is .nul if there are no graphic items on the template. These include lines, triangles, rectangles, arcs, and ellipses.
firststringwxprintstring Specifies the first wxprintstring object in the ring of strings that contain the data associated with this template. This is .nul if there are no strings associated with the template.
firsttextitemwxprinttextitem Specifies the first wxprinttextitem object in the ring of text items that contain the layout information for an item that is to be printed using this template. This is .nul if there are no text items associated with the template.
heightinteger Specifies the height of the printed page in micrometers.
typetype Specifies the wxprintpagetemplate type object.
widthinteger Specifies the width of the printed page in micrometers.




Adds a wxprintbitmap object to the ring of printbitmaps. An object of this type is added to hold the content for a wxprintbitmapitem object that is placed in a template. If the content is the same everywhere in the printout, then the bitmap should be added to the printout, if it is the same on each page that uses a specific template, then it should be added to the template, and if it is specific to a given page, then it should be added to the page.


The name of any item: page, string, bitmap, etc. that can be accessed using the member operator must be unique across all rings associated with an object. For example in the case of a printout object, the same name cannot be assigned to a page and also to a string or a bitmap. The same name can also not be given to two items in the same ring.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.addbitmap ( wxbitmap bitmap, string name, wxprintbitmap next )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
bitmap.nulwxbitmap The content for this wxprintbitmap object.
name.nulstring The name of the wxprintbitmap object. This value is used to link the object with the wxprintbitmapitem that will use it to provide the content for an item on a printed page.
next.nulwxprintbitmap This determines where in the ring of bitmaps the new bitmap will be placed. The new bitmap will be created so that the bitmap specified as next will be after the new bitmap in the ring. If the next bitmap is the current firstbitmap for the printout, then the new bitmap will become the new firstbitmap. If there are already some bitmaps in the printout and next is specified to be .nul then the next bitmap will be the current firstbitmap for the printout, but the new bitmap will not become a new firstbitmap (i.e. it becomes the 'last' bitmap).



Creates a new wxprintbitmapitem object using the given arguments for many of the item's properties.


The name of any item: page, string, bitmap, etc. that can be accessed using the member operator must be unique across all rings associated with an object. For example in the case of a printout object, the same name cannot be assigned to a page and also to a string or a bitmap. The same name can also not be given to two items in the same ring.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.addbitmapitem ( integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height, string alignment, string scaling, boolean undergraphics, string contentsource, string contentname, string name, wxprintbitmapitem next )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
leftNoneinteger The position of the left side of the new bitmap item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
topNoneinteger The position of the top edge of the new bitmap item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
widthNoneinteger The width of the new bitmap item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
heightNoneinteger The height of the new bitmap item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
alignment""string The alignment of the bitmap within the new bitmap item. The default is .nul, which will be left and top aligned. Valid values are: "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "left,top", "right,bottom", "left,bottom", and "right,top". To center something both horizontally and vertically, use the empty string. If a value for a dimension is not supplied, such as with "left" by itself, then the unspecified dimension will be centered.
scaling""string This is the scaling method to use for the bitmap, and can be either: "hfit", "vfit", "handvfit", "preserveaspect", or "".
undergraphics.falseboolean Decides whether the bitmap item is in front or behind the wxgraphic items.
contentsource""string This contains the source of the bitmap item, either "printout", "template", "page", or the empty string (""). If the value of this is the empty string then nothing will be printed.
contentname""string This is the name of the item that is stored in the content source and which is used to provide the actual content for the item when printed. If the value of this is the empty string, then nothing will be printed.
name.nulstring The name of the new bitmap item.
next.nulwxprintbitmapitem This determines where in the ring of bitmap items the new bitmap item will be placed. The new bitmap item will be created so that the bitmap item specified as next will be after the new bitmap item in the ring. If the next bitmap item is the current firstbitmapitem for the template, then the new bitmap item will become the new firstbitmapitem. If there are already some bitmap items in the template and next is specified to be .nul then the next bitmap item will be the current firstbitmapitem for the template, but the new bitmap item will not become a new firstbitmapitem (i.e. it becomes a 'last' bitmap item). Items are bottom to top in the z-order of the template, so that an item later in the ring covers an item located earlier in the ring.



Creates a new type(wxgraphic) object of the specified type, using the given arguments for the graphic's properties. Graphics appear on top of text and bitmap items whose undergraphics property is set to .true, and under those where the undergraphics property is set to .false.


The name of any item: page, string, bitmap, etc. that can be accessed using the member operator must be unique across all rings associated with an object. For example in the case of a printout object, the same name cannot be assigned to a page and also to a string or a bitmap. The same name can also not be given to two items in the same ring.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.addgraphic ( type type, point point1, point point2, point point3, point midpoint, integer rgb, integer borderrgb, integer width, integer borderwidth, boolean visible, boolean bordervisible, string name, type(wxgraphic) next, integer error )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
typeNonetype The type of the new graphic. This must be of a type that is tagged as being a wxgraphic.
point1Nonepoint The starting point for the graphic. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example. All graphic types use this property.
point2Nonepoint The second point of the graphic. This can be created inline using:, 100) for example.
point3Nonepoint This is the third vertex point for a triangle. Only the triangle type makes use of this parameter. This can be created inline using:, 60) for example.
midpointNonepoint This point represents the center of an ellipse or arc. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example.
rgbWhiteinteger The fill color of the new wxgraphic object. In the case of the line object, this is the color of the line, in all others the color of the border lines is handled by the borderrgb parameter. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
borderrgbBlackinteger The color of the lines representing the border of the new wxgraphic object. In the case of the line object, this parameter is invalid, use the rgb parameter instead. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
width1integer This is the width in pixels of a line object. The minimum value is 1. To make the line invisible, set its visibility to .false.
borderwidth1integer This is the width in pixels of the border of a graphic object. The minimum value is 1. If no border is desired, set its visibility to .false.
visible.trueboolean Whether the content of the new graphic is visible or not. In the case of a line object, this decides if the line is visible, in the case of the other objects, this decides if the object is filled. If this portion is set to invisible, then objects behind it will be visible. To set any fillable object (triangle, rectangle, arc, or ellipse) to be completely invisible, both this and the bordervisible properties must be set to .false.
bordervisible.trueboolean Whether the border of the new graphic is visible or not. This parameter is invalid for line objects. If this portion is set to invisible, then no border will be shown. If the visible parameter is also set to .false, then the entrie graphic will be invisible.
name.nulstring The name of the graphic. This can be used together with the member operator (!) to access the graphic on a template via the wxprintpagetemplate object.
next.nultype(wxgraphic) This determines where in the ring of graphics the new graphic will be placed. The new graphic will be created so that the graphic specified as next will be after the new graphic in the ring. If the next graphic is the current firstgraphic for the template, then the new graphic will become the new firstgraphic. If there are already some graphics on the template and next is specified to be .nul then the next graphic will be the current firstgraphic for the template, but the new graphic will not become a new firstgraphic (i.e. it becomes the 'last' graphic).
error.nulinteger Specifies an object which is used to output any error code generated during creation of the wxgraphic object. If error is not specified or is .nul then any error which occurs during object creation will halt the program. If an error object is specified and an error occurs during object creation then the error code is output into that object and the addgraphic method returns .nul.



Adds a wxprintstring object to the ring of printstrings. An object of this type is added to hold the content for a wxprinttextitem object that is placed in a template. If the content is used on more than one template, then the string should be added to the printout, if it is the same on each page that uses a specific template, then it should be added to the template, and if it is specific to a given page, then it should be added to the page.


The name of any item: page, string, bitmap, etc. that can be accessed using the member operator must be unique across all rings associated with an object. For example in the case of a printout object, the same name cannot be assigned to a page and also to a string or a bitmap. The same name can also not be given to two items in the same ring.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.addstring ( string string, string name, wxprintstring next )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
string""string The content for this wxprintstring object.
name.nulstring The name of the wxprintstring object. This value is used to link the object with the wxprinttextitem that will use it to provide the content for an item on a printed page.
next.nulwxprintstring This determines where in the ring of strings the new string will be placed. The new string will be created so that the string specified as next will be after the new string in the ring. If the next string is the current firststring for the printout, then the new string will become the new firststring. If there are already some strings in the printout and next is specified to be .nul then the next string will be the current firststring for the printout, but the new string will not become a new firststring (i.e. it becomes the 'last' string).



Creates a new wxprinttextitem object using the given arguments for many of the item's properties.


The name of any item: page, string, bitmap, etc. that can be accessed using the member operator must be unique across all rings associated with an object. For example in the case of a printout object, the same name cannot be assigned to a page and also to a string or a bitmap. The same name can also not be given to two items in the same ring.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.addtextitem ( integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height, boolean backgroundvisible, integer backgroundrgb, integer textrgb, string alignment, wxfont font, boolean undergraphics, boolean underbitmaps, string contentsource, string contentname, string name, wxprinttextitem next )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
leftNoneinteger The position of the left side of the new text item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
topNoneinteger The position of the top edge of the new text item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
widthNoneinteger The width of the new text item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
heightNoneinteger The height of the new text item on the template, in micrometers. The item must be fully contained within the bounds of the template.
backgroundvisible.trueboolean Establishes whether the background of the text item is visible or transparent.
backgroundrgbThe current background color of the templateinteger The background color of the new text item. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
textrgbBlackinteger The color of the text in the new text item. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
alignment""string The alignment of the text within the new text item. The default is .nul, which will be left and top aligned. Valid values are: "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "left,top", "right,bottom", "left,bottom", and "right,top". To center something both horizontally and vertically, use the empty string. If a value for a dimension is not supplied, such as with "left" by itself, then the unspecified dimension will be centered.
font.nulwxfont A valid wxfont object that will be used as the font for the associated text.
undergraphics.falseboolean Decides whether the text item is in front or behind the wxgraphic items.
underbitmaps.falseboolean Decides whether the text item is in front or behind the bitmap items. This parameter determines whether the text item appears above or below the bitmap items that have the same undergraphics setting. Text items that are on top of the graphics are (of course) on top of all text and bitmap items that are under the graphics, and text items that are under the graphics are always under all objects that are on top of the graphics.
contentsource""string This contains the source of the text item, either "printout", "template", "page", "system" or the empty string (""). If the value of this is the empty string, then nothing will be printed.
contentname""string This is the name of the item that is stored in the content source and which is used to provide the actual content for the item when printed. If the source is "system" then the name must be "pagenumber", which will supply the current page number in the printout. If the value of this is the empty string, then nothing will be printed.
name.nulstring The name of the new text item.
next.nulwxprinttextitem This determines where in the ring of text items the new text item will be placed. The new text item will be created so that the text item specified as next will be after the new text item in the ring. If the next text item is the current firsttextitem for the template, then the new text item will become the new firsttextitem. If there are already some text items in the template and next is specified to be .nul then the next text item will be the current firsttextitem for the template, but the new text item will not become a new firsttextitem (i.e. it becomes a 'last' text item). Items are bottom to top in the z-order of the template, so that an item later in the ring covers an item located earlier in the ring.



Sets the background color of the template. The wxprintpagetemplate object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression. It is an error to specify both the rgb argument and one or more of the red, green or blue arguments.


wxprintpagetemplatevar.setbackgroundrgb ( integer rgb, integer red, integer green, integer blue )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
rgbThe current value of the backgroundrgb propertyinteger The new background color of the page. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument which is not the value of an existing rgb object.
redThe current value of the propertyinteger The red component in the new background color of the page. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
greenThe current value of the propertyinteger The green component in the new background color of the page. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
blueThe current value of the propertyinteger The blue component in the new background color of the page. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.



If there is a graphic of the name following the member operator, then the graphic is returned, otherwise if there is a string of that name, then the string is returned, otherwise if there is a bitmap of that name the bitmap is returned, otherwise if there is a text item of that name the text item is returned, otherwise if there is a bitmap item of that name then the bitmap item is returned and if none of these are true an error will occur.


Attempting to assign a reference or a value to a wxprintpagetemplate object using the ! operator is not supported.