SIMPOL Documentation



A wxformgauge object is a free-standing gauge control horizontally positioned on the form. It can be either a determinate or indeterminate gauge.

Type Tags


Object Value


_type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided.
__type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided. It has the additional feature of being marked with the resolve keyword, so that object resolution can continue down this property.
backgroundrgbrgb Gives the color of the control.
focusableboolean Specifies whether or not the control can have the input focus. For wxformgauge objects this is always .false
formwxform Specifies the wxform object to which this control belongs.
heightinteger Gives the height of the control, in pixels.
leftinteger Gives the position of the left side of the control relative to the left side of the form, in pixels.
namestring The name of the wxformgauge object.
nexttype(wxformcontrol) Specifies the next wxformcontrol on the same form.
positioninteger This contains the current position in the gauge. Valid values are from 0 to range - 1.
rangeinteger This contains the range of values, beginning at 0 and ending at range - 1, that describe the granularity of the gauge. Valid values are from 1 through 4G - 1.
tooltipstring Contains the text that is displayed as a tooltip for the control.
topinteger Gives the position of the top edge of the control relative to the top edge of the form, in pixels.
typetype Specifies the wxformgauge type object.
visibleboolean Specifies whether or not the control is visible.
widthinteger Gives the width of the control, in pixels.




Removes the control from the form. If any object has a reference to the control, those references will no longer be valid. It is not safe to attempt to use a control after this method has been called.


wxformgaugevar.remove ()





Sets the background color of the gauge control. The wxformgauge object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression. It is an error to specify both the rgb argument and one or more of the red, green, or blue arguments.


wxformgaugevar.setbackgroundrgb ( integer rgb, integer red, integer green, integer blue )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
rgbThe current value of the rgb propertyinteger The new color of the control. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
redThe current value of the propertyinteger The red component in the new color of the control. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
greenThe current value of the propertyinteger The green component in the new color of the control. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
blueThe current value of the propertyinteger The blue component in the new color of the control. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.



Sets the type of gauge (determinate or indeterminate). If the range and position parameters are sent, the gauge is set to determinate mode. if the pulse is passed with a value of .true, then the gauge will switch to indeterminate mode and will pulse one unit. Calling this method again with a position parameter will return it to determinate mode. The wxformgauge object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformgaugevar.setgauge ( integer range, integer position, boolean pulse )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
rangeThe current value of the rangeinteger The range for the gauge. Must be between 0 and 4G - 1.
positionThe current value of the positioninteger The current position of the gauge. Must be between 0 and the value of the range.
pulseThe current value of the pulseboolean If set to his sets the gauge to indeterminate or pulse mode. It is recommended to set the range to some useful value such as 10 and the position to 0 before calling this method with the pulse parameter set to .true. Then each time the setgauge() method is called with the pulse parameter set to .true the gauge will pulse one unit.



Sets the name of the gauge control. The wxformgauge object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformgaugevar.setname ( string name )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
nameNonestring The new name for the control.



Sets the position of the control in the z-order and tab order.


wxformgaugevar.setnext ( type(wxformcontrol) next )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
nextNonetype(wxformcontrol) Calling the method with the value .nul sets a control to be the last one in the ring (the one before form.firstcontrol) and so has the highest z-order, and passing any other control as the argument puts the target control immediately below the one specified as the parameter. The visible stacking of controls on a form is such that the earliest in the ring is the furthest back in the z-order.



Sets the size and/or position of the control. The wxformgauge object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformgaugevar.setposition ( integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
leftThe current value of the left propertyinteger The new position of the left side of the control on the form.
topThe current value of the top propertyinteger The new position of the top edge of the control on the form.
widthThe current value of the width propertyinteger The new width of the control on the form.
heightThe current value of the height propertyinteger The new height of the control on the form.



Sets the text for the tooltip associated with the control. The wxformscrollbar object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformgaugevar.settooltip ( string tooltip )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
tooltipNonestring The new text to set for the tooltip.



Sets the visibility of the control. The wxformgauge object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformgaugevar.setvisible ( boolean visible )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
visibleNoneboolean The desired visibility of the control.