SIMPOL Documentation



A wxform object is a single 'page' on which a program creates controls for user interaction. The form is displayed to the user by setting it to be the content of some wxwindow, wxdialog, or other appropriate container.

Type Tags

wxcontent, wxgraphiccontainer

Object Value


Creates a new wxform object of the specified size and color.

Prototype ( integer width, integer height, integer backgroundrgb, type(*) cursor, integer error )


ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
widthNoneinteger The width of the new form, in pixels.
heightNoneinteger The height of the new form, in pixels.
backgroundrgbWhiteinteger The background color of the new form. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
cursorNonetype(*) The cursor that should be used when the mouse is over the form.
error.nulinteger Specifies an object which is used to output any error code generated during creation of the form1 object. If error is not specified or is .nul then any error which occurs during object creation will halt the program. If an error object is specified and an error occurs during object creation then the error code is output into that object and the new() method returns .nul.


_type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided.
__type(*) This property is provided for use by the user to attach any object of any type to the type in which this property is provided. It has the additional feature of being marked with the resolve keyword, so that object resolution can continue down this property.
backgroundrgbrgb Gives the color of the background of the form.
containertype(wxcontainer) Specifies the container object in which this form is currently contained, such as a window or dialog.
controlscapturedboolean Indicates whether the mouse is currently captured or not.
cursortype(*) The current type of mouse pointer that is in use. If this is .nul, then the defaults are in use.
firstcontroltype(wxformcontrol) Gives the first control on the form, or is .nul if there are no controls on the form.
firstgraphictype(wxgraphic) Gives the first graphic item on the form, or is .nul if there are no graphic items on the form. These include lines, triangles, rectangles, arcs, and ellipses.
focuscontroltype(wxformcontrol) Gives the control on this form which receives user input. For input to reach the form from the user, it must be in some container (such as a window) which is active. If no control on the form has focus then this property is set to .nul.
heightinteger Gives the height of the form, in pixels.
mousecapturedboolean Indicates whether the mouse is currently captured or not.

An event that is triggered each time a mouse event occurs that matches the bits set in the onmousemask property. The onmouse event handling function should be defined as follows: function onmouse(wxform form, integer etype, integer keys, integer x, integer y, type(*) reference) where:

  • etype is the bit (defined as for onmousemask) showing what sort of event it is.

  • keys is a collection of bits showing key positions:

    Key TypeBit Value
    shift down0x00010000
    ctrl down0x00020000
    alt down0x00040000
    meta down0x00080000

  • x and y are the position of the mouse event

  • reference is the (optional) reference object in the wxform.onmouse.reference

onmousemaskinteger Holds the mask that decides which mouse events are captured and sent to the onmouse event handler.
typetype Specifies the wxform type object.
widthinteger Gives the width of the form, in pixels.




Creates a new wxformcontrol object of the specified type, using the given arguments for many of the control's properties.


wxformvar.addcontrol ( type type, integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height, string text, boolean enabled, boolean visible, wxbitmap bitmap, string scaling, wxbitmap selectedbitmap, wxbitmap disabledbitmap, wxbitmap focusbitmap, integer backgroundrgb, integer textrgb, integer rgb, string edittype, string selectiontype, integer rowcount, integer colcount, integer rowheight, integer colwidth, boolean rowheightdraggable, boolean colwidthdraggable, integer rowlabelwidth, integer collabelheight, string rowlabelalignment, string collabelalignment, string alignment, string editstyle, string orientation, integer range, integer position, integer pagesize, integer thumbsize, wxfont font, wxfont labelfont, string tooltip, integer onmousemask, string name, type(wxformcontrol) next, integer error )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
typeNonetype The type of the new control. This must be of a type that is tagged as being a wxformcontrol.
leftNoneinteger The position of the left side of the new control on the form, in pixels. The control must be fully contained within the bounds of the form.
topNoneinteger The position of the top edge of the new control on the form, in pixels. The control must be fully contained within the bounds of the form.
widthNoneinteger The width of the new control on the form, in pixels. The control must be fully contained within the form.
heightNoneinteger The height of the new control on the form, in pixels. The control must be fully contained within the form.
text""string The text for the new control. This does not apply to wxformlist controls; it is an error to supply this argument when creating a wxformlist.
enabled.trueboolean Whether the new control is enabled or not.
visible.trueboolean Whether the new control is visible or not.
bitmapNonewxbitmap The standard bitmap for a wxformbitmapbutton control.
scaling""string Determines the type of scaling used on the bitmap. This can be one of: "hfit", "vfit", "handvfit", "preserveaspect", or the empty string. If no scaling is specified, then the image will be cropped to fit the container as needed. Otherwise the image will be stretched horizontally to fill the container, vertically to fill the container, or in both directions.
selectedbitmapNonewxbitmap The bitmap for a wxformbitmapbutton control that will be shown when the button is selected.
disabledbitmapNonewxbitmap The bitmap for a wxformbitmapbutton control that will be shown when the button is disabled.
focusbitmapNonewxbitmap The bitmap for a wxformbitmapbutton control that will be shown when the button has focus.
backgroundrgbThe current background color of the forminteger The background color of the new control. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
textrgbBlackinteger The color of the text in the new control. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
rgbBlackinteger The color of the new wxformsizebox control. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
edittype"droplist"string The style for a new wxformcombo control. It is an error to supply this argument when creating any control type other than a wxformcombo control. Possible values are: "dropedit" and "droplist".
selectiontype"single"string The style for a new wxformlist control. It is an error to supply this argument when creating any control type other than a wxformlist control. Possible values are: "single", "multiple" and "extended".
rowcountNoneinteger The number of rows for a new wxformgrid control.
colcountNoneinteger The number of columns for a new wxformgrid control.
rowheightNoneinteger The default height for a row in a new wxformgrid control.
colwidthNoneinteger The default width for a column in a new wxformgrid control.
rowheightdraggable.trueboolean Toggle that decides if the user can change the height of the rows.
colwidthdraggable.trueboolean Toggle that decides if the user can change the width of the columns.
rowlabelwidth80integer The width of the row label column for a new wxformgrid control.
collabelheight20integer The height of the column label row for a new wxformgrid control.
rowlabelalignmentrightstring The alignment for grid row labels. This defaults to "right", which is centered vertically and then right-aligned.
collabelalignment""string The alignment for grid column labels. This defaults to the empty string, which is centered both horizontally and vertically.
alignment""string The default alignment for grid cells as well as the alignment for wxformtext and wxformedittext controls. In the case of a wxformgrid this is normally the empty string, which is centered both horizontally and vertically. In the case of a wxformtext or a wxformedittext control, the default is .nul, which will be left aligned. Valid values are: left, right, top, and bottom. For wxformtext and wxformedittext controls, this must be set at creation time and only the horizontal alignment values are valid. To center something, use the empty string. For complete information on alignment for grids, see: the section called “wxformgrid”.
editstyle""string This describes the style of wxformedittext control that is created. This can only be specified at creation time. It can have any combination of the values: "hscroll", "multiline", "password", and "readonly" whereby password and multiline together will not provide a password style, but it does not cause an error. The value "hscroll" by itself may make little difference, since values that are too large normally scroll horizontally anyway, and without a definitive size, they appear to have no function. The "multiline" value will show a scrollbar if it is needed. It also allows the entering of new line characters into the textbox. As usual, the "password" style shows the content as a series of asterisks and the "readonly" style prevents modification of the content, but it can be marked and copied to clipboard.
orientationNonestring The orientation for a scrollbar control. Valid values are: "v" for vertical and "h" for horizontal scrollbars.
range1integer The range for a scrollbar control.
position0integer The starting position for a scrollbar control.
pagesizeNoneinteger The size of a page for a scrollbar control.
thumbsize1integer The size of the thumb in a scrollbar control.
font.nulwxfont A valid wxfont object that will be used as the font for associated controls.
labelfont.nulwxfont A valid wxfont object that will be used for the row and column labels of a grid control
tooltip.nulstring The text to be used as the tooltip for the control.

The definition of which events should be handled by the onmouse event handler. The onmousemask is made up of bits:

Event TypeBit Value
left button down0x00000001
left button up0x00000002
left button double click0x00000004
middle button down0x00000010
middle button up0x00000020
middle button dbl click0x00000040
right button down0x00000100
right button up0x00000200
right button dbl click0x00000400
name.nulstring The name of the control. This can be used together with the member operator (!) to access the form control via the wxform object.
next.nultype(wxformcontrol) This determines where in the ring of controls the new control will be placed. The new control will be created so that the control specified as next will be after the new control in the ring. If the next control is the current firstcontrol for the form, then the new control will become the new firstcontrol. If there are already some controls on the form and next is specified to be .nul then the next control will be the current firstcontrol for the form, but the new control will not become a new firstcontrol (i.e. it becomes a 'last' control).
error.nulinteger Specifies an object which is used to output any error code generated during creation of the wxformcontrol object. If error is not specified or is .nul then any error which occurs during object creation will halt the program. If an error object is specified and an error occurs during object creation then the error code is output into that object and the addcontrol method returns .nul.



Creates a new type(wxgraphic) object of the specified type, using the given arguments for the graphic's properties. Graphics are always behind all controls in the z-order of the form.


wxformvar.addgraphic ( type type, point point1, point point2, point point3, point midpoint, integer rgb, integer borderrgb, integer width, integer borderwidth, boolean visible, boolean bordervisible, string name, type(wxgraphic) next, integer error )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
typeNonetype The type of the new graphic. This must be of a type that is tagged as being a wxgraphic.
point1Nonepoint The starting point for the graphic. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example.
point2Nonepoint The second point of the graphic. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example. Most graphic types only have two points, such as the line, rectangle, ellipse, and arc.
point3Nonepoint This is the third vertex point for a triangle. Currently no other graphic type makes use of this parameter. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example.
midpointNonepoint This point represents the center of an ellipse or arc. This can be created inline using:, 10) for example.
rgbWhiteinteger The fill color of the new wxgraphic object. In the case of the line object, this is the color of the line, in all others the color of the border lines is handled by the borderrgb parameter. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
borderrgbBlackinteger The color of the lines representing the border of the new wxgraphic object. In the case of the line object, this parameter is invalid, use the rgb parameter instead. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument that is not the value of an existing rgb object.
width1integer This is the width in pixels of a line object. The minimum value is 1. To make the line invisible, set its visibility to .false.
borderwidth1integer This is the width in pixels of the border of a graphic object. The minimum value is 1. If no border is desired, set its visibility to .false.
visible.trueboolean Whether the content of the new graphic is visible or not. In the case of a line object, this decides if the line is visible, in the case of the other objects, this decides if the object is filled. If this portion is set to invisible, then objects behind it will be visible. To set any fillable object (triangle, rectangle, arc, or ellipse) to be completely invisible, both this and the bordervisible properties must be set to .false.
bordervisible.trueboolean Whether the border of the new graphic is visible or not. This parameter is invalid for line objects. If this portion is set to invisible, then no border will be shown. If the visible parameter is also set to .false, then the entrie graphic will be invisible.
name.nulstring The name of the graphic. This can be used together with the member operator (!) to access the graphic on a form via the wxform object.
next.nultype(wxgraphic) This determines where in the ring of graphics the new graphic will be placed. The new graphic will be created so that the graphic specified as next will be after the new graphic in the ring. If the next graphic is the current firstgraphic for the form, then the new graphic will become the new firstgraphic. If there are already some graphics on the form and next is specified to be .nul then the next graphic will be the current firstgraphic for the form, but the new graphic will not become a new firstgraphic (i.e. it becomes the 'last' graphic).
error.nulinteger Specifies an object which is used to output any error code generated during creation of the wxgraphic object. If error is not specified or is .nul then any error which occurs during object creation will halt the program. If an error object is specified and an error occurs during object creation then the error code is output into that object and the addgraphic method returns .nul.



Removes focus from all controls on a form.


wxformvar.clearfocus ()





Internal. Reserved.


wxformvar.controlcapture ()





Internal. Reserved.


wxformvar.controlrelease ()





Freezes all painting updates of the form until the thaw() method is called. Multiple calls to both methods are counted. A freeze of the paint messages to the form will occur on the first call. Additional calls will increment/decrement the counter. When the counter reaches zero again following a call to thaw(), the form will be redrawn and normal painting will occur once more.




wxformvar.freeze ()





Internal. Reserved.


wxformvar.mousecapture ()





Internal. Reserved.


wxformvar.mouserelease ()





Displays a menu object as a popup menu. The menu object may not already be used as part of an existing menubar. Optionally an x and a y parameter may be passed to establish where the menu should appear. If not specified, it appears at the mouse pointer position.


wxformvar.popupmenu ( wxmenu menu, integer x, integer y )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
menuNonewxmenu The menu object to be shown.
xCurrent x position of the mouse pointerinteger The desired x-coordinate where the menu should appear.
yCurrent y position of the mouse pointerinteger The desired y-coordinate where the menu should appear.



Draws a rubber band style arc on the form. Which part of the arc is flexible depends on which point is passed, point1 or point2. Only one of those two parameters may be passed! When the left mouse button is released, the method returns. The position of the mouse will be returned in the point parameter. The midpoint is required. If the output result is "buttonup" or "lostmouse" then the point1 and point2, parameters will contain the position of the rubber band line on termination, otherwise their contents should not be used (currently will be .nul). The result parameter could also contain "notready" or "cancel". The coordinates are relative to the origin of the form.


wxformvar.rubberbandarc ( point|fixedpoint midpoint, point|fixedpoint point1, point|fixedpoint point2, point point, string results )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
midpoint.nulpoint|fixedpoint The midpoint of the arc. This must be a preinitialized object!
point1.nulpoint|fixedpoint The first point of the line. This must be a preinitialized object!
point2.nulpoint|fixedpoint The second point of the line. This must be a preinitialized object!
point.nulpoint The second point of the line. This must be a preinitialized object!
results.nulstring The results of the function. This can be one of: "buttonup", "lostmouse", "notready" or "cancel". If one of the first two values is returned, then the other parameters will be filled with the coordinates of the selection, otherwise they are invalid (and currently will be ".nul".



Draws a rubber band style box on the form. When the left mouse button is released, the method returns. If the output result is "buttonup" or "lostmouse" then the left, top, width, and height parameters will contain the position of the rubber band box on termination, otherwise their contents should not be used (currently will be .nul). The result parameter could also contain "notready" or "cancel". The coordinates are relative to the origin of the form.


wxformvar.rubberbandbox ( integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height, string results )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
left.nulinteger The left coordinate of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
top.nulinteger The top coordinate of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
width.nulinteger The width of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
height.nulinteger The height of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
results.nulstring The results of the function. This can be one of: "buttonup", "lostmouse", "notready" or "cancel". If one of the first two values is returned, then the other parameters will be filled with the coordinates of the selection box, otherwise they are invalid (and currently will be ".nul".



Draws a rubber band style ellipse on the form. When the left mouse button is released, the method returns. If the output result is "buttonup" or "lostmouse" then the left, top, width, and height parameters will contain the position of the rubber band ellipse on termination, otherwise their contents should not be used (currently will be .nul). The result parameter could also contain "notready" or "cancel". The coordinates are relative to the origin of the form. To create an ellipse from these coordinates, the midpoint of the width at the top, the midpoint of the height at the right, and the exact midpoint of the two must be passed to the method that creates the ellipse.


wxformvar.rubberbandellipsebox ( integer left, integer top, integer width, integer height, string results )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
left.nulinteger The left coordinate of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
top.nulinteger The top coordinate of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
width.nulinteger The width of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
height.nulinteger The height of the selection box. This must be a preinitialized object!
results.nulstring The results of the function. This can be one of: "buttonup", "lostmouse", "notready" or "cancel". If one of the first two values is returned, then the other parameters will be filled with the coordinates of the selection box, otherwise they are invalid (and currently will be ".nul".



Draws a rubber band style line on the form. When the left mouse button is released, the method returns. If the output result is "buttonup" or "lostmouse" then the point1 and point2, parameters will contain the position of the rubber band line on termination, otherwise their contents should not be used (currently will be .nul). The result parameter could also contain "notready" or "cancel". The coordinates are relative to the origin of the form.


wxformvar.rubberbandline ( point point1, point point2, string results )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
point1.nulpoint The first point of the line. This must be a preinitialized object!
point2.nulpoint The second point of the line. This must be a preinitialized object!
results.nulstring The results of the function. This can be one of: "buttonup", "lostmouse", "notready" or "cancel". If one of the first two values is returned, then the other parameters will be filled with the coordinates of the selection, otherwise they are invalid (and currently will be ".nul".



Draws one or more rubber band style lines on the form that converge from the points supplied to the current position of the mouse. When the left mouse button is released, the method returns. If the output result is "buttonup" or "lostmouse" then the point parameter will contain the position of the mouse pointer on termination, otherwise its contents should not be used (currently will be .nul). The result parameter could also contain "notready" or "cancel". The coordinates are relative to the origin of the form.


wxformvar.rubberbandmultiline ( point point, string results, point , point )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
point.nulpoint The position of the mouse at termination. This must be a preinitialized object!
results.nulstring The results of the function. This can be one of: "buttonup", "lostmouse", "notready" or "cancel". If one of the first two values is returned, then the other parameters will be filled with the coordinates of the selection, otherwise they are invalid (and currently will be ".nul".
 .nulpoint The first point from which a line will be drawn to the position of the mouse pointer. This must be a preinitialized object!
 .nulpoint The next point from which a line will be drawn to the position of the mouse pointer. This must be a preinitialized object! Any number of points can be added to be drawn from in the multiline function. They are not named parameters.



Sets the background color of the form. The wxform object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression. It is an error to specify both the rgb argument and one or more of the red, green or blue arguments.


wxformvar.setbackgroundrgb ( integer rgb, integer red, integer green, integer blue )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
rgbThe current value of the backgroundrgb propertyinteger The new background color of the form. It is inadvisable to specify any value for this argument which is not the value of an existing rgb object.
redThe current value of the propertyinteger The red component in the new background color of the form. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
greenThe current value of the propertyinteger The green component in the new background color of the form. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.
blueThe current value of the propertyinteger The blue component in the new background color of the form. This must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.



Sets the form to be the content of some suitable container. The wxform object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformvar.setcontainer ( type(wxcontainer) container )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription
containerNonetype(wxcontainer) The object of which the form is to become the content.



Sets the current mouse pointer for use when the mouse is over the form. The wxform object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformvar.setcursor ( string cursor )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription

The name of the cursor type to use when the mouse is over the form. This can be any one of:

  • "arrow"

  • "rightarrow"

  • "blank"

  • "bullseye"

  • "char"

  • "cross"

  • "hand"

  • "ibeam"

  • "leftbutton" — GTK+ only

  • "magnifier"

  • "middlebutton" — GTK+ only

  • "noentry"

  • "paintbrush"

  • "pencil"

  • "pointleft"

  • "pointright"

  • "questionarrow"

  • "rightbutton" — GTK+ only

  • "nesw"

  • "ns"

  • "nwse"

  • "we"

  • "sizing"

  • "spraycan"

  • "wait"

  • "watch"

  • "arrowwait"

Use the value .nul to return the cursor to the default behavior.



Tells the form to create a special control to hold the focus and to direct keystroke input that occurs while that special control has focus to the function provided. If focus is lost, then that will be relayed to the appropriate function as defined by the user.


wxformvar.setkeyfocus ( function onkey, type(*) onkeyreference, function onlostfocus, type(*) onlostfocusreference )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription

This is a reference to the function that will handle the key events. The function must have the prototype: function onkey(wxform form, string char, integer keys, type(*) reference) The char will contain either a single character, or else a string describing the key that was pressed. The list of currently supported strings is:

  • "back"

  • "tab"

  • "return"

  • "escape"

  • "delete"

  • "end"

  • "home"

  • "left"

  • "up"

  • "right"

  • "down"

  • "insert"

  • "pageup"

  • "pagedown"

  • "f1"–"f24"

The keys is the same as in the onmouse event. It contains which additional keys were held down; keys is a collection of bits showing key positions:

Key TypeBit Value
shift down0x00010000
ctrl down0x00020000
alt down0x00040000
meta down0x00080000

Finally the reference contains an optionally defined parameter of user-defined type, as is typical for event handling mechanisms in SIMPOL.

onkeyreference.nultype(*) This can be any object desired by the user. If it is defined, it will be passed to the function defined to handle the onkey event.
onlostfocus.nulfunction This function will be called when the key event handler loses focus, either by the user clicking elsewhere on the form, alt-tabbing away, or otherwise causing focus to be lost. Once focus is lost, the key trapping functionality will end.
onlostfocusreference.nultype(*) This can be any object desired by the user. If it is defined, it will be passed to the function defined to handle the onlostfocus event.



Sets the mask that is used to decide which mouse events that occur on the form. This does not apply to events that involve controls, only those that occur on the form itself. The wxform object itself is returned, to allow multiple setting methods to be put into one expression.


wxformvar.setonmousemask ( integer onmousemask )

ParameterDefault valueType nameDescription

The definition of which events should be handled by the onmouse event handler. The onmousemask is made up of bits:

Event TypeBit Value
left button down0x00000001
left button up0x00000002
left button double click0x00000004
middle button down0x00000010
middle button up0x00000020
middle button dbl click0x00000040
right button down0x00000100
right button up0x00000200
right button dbl click0x00000400



This restores the painting updates of the form following a call to the freeze() method. Multiple calls to both methods are counted. A freeze of the paint messages to the form will occur on the first call. Additional calls will increment/decrement the counter. When the counter reaches zero again following a call to thaw(), the form will be redrawn and normal painting will occur once more.




wxformvar.thaw ()





The member operator followed by the form control name returns a reference to the form control. If the name provided is not correct (including case-sensitivity), then an error will occur.


Attempting to assign a reference or a value to a wxform object using the ! operator is not supported.