SIMPOL Documentation



The type object is the core of SIMPOL. Every other type has a type object that represents it and which is of the data type type. Even properties and functions are represented by type objects.

Type Tags


Object Value

The value of an type object is the name of the type.


Creates a new instance of the type for which the method is called. If this is a user-defined type and the user has created a new() method for the type, then after the object has been created it will be passed together with the other arguments to the user's new() method. The basic new() method has no parameters.

Prototype ()




firstfunctionfunction Contains a reference to the first method of the type. The methods are held in a ring.
firstpropertyproperty Contains a reference to the first property of the type. The properties are held in a ring. They include both properties and methods.
modulemodule Contains a reference to the module within which the type is defined.
nexttype Contains a reference to the next type in the ring of types within a given module. The types are held in a ring.
typetype Specifies the type type object.