SIMPOL Documentation



The function object contains a reference to the module in which it is defined as well as to the type of which it is a part if it is a method of a type.

Type Tags


Object Value

The value of a function object is the name of the function.


informationstring Contains the string that was associated with the function object when it was compiled. Although this can contain anything, it is recommended to watch for guidelines on how to use this capability. Initially, it will be used for defining the return value of a function (if any). This will be in the format: [simpol::return::string] that is formatted to use a name space style, where simpol is the name space, return is the type of information and string is the actual value.
intypetype Contains a reference to the type object of which this is a method. This relationship is similar to that of a form control with a reference to the form that it is on, or a database field with a refence to the table of which the field is a part. If the function is a free function and not a method of a type, then this will be equal to .nul.
modulemodule Contains a reference to the module within which the function is defined.
nextfunction Contains a reference to the next function in the ring of functions.
typetype Specifies the function type object.