1 | Out of memory | |
2 | Busy | |
3 | Locked out | |
4 | All in use | |
5 | Value in use | |
6 | UDP error | |
7 | Data not found | |
8 | Can't send | |
9 | Can't receive | |
10 | Time out | |
11 | Serial error | |
| | The above error numbers won't change. Any of the following may still change.
12 | Access denied | |
13 | Cannot be done | |
14 | Object is read-only | |
15 | Object is in use | |
16 | Object is wrong type | |
17 | Wrong type | |
18 | Type not found | |
19 | Function not found | |
20 | Property not found | |
21 | Object not found | |
22 | Local variable not dimensioned | This can happen if you call a function with more parameters than
there are arguments to the function. When debugging, this can be very confusing,
since the debugger will fail to even enter the main()
function if too many parameters are being passed by the IDE to the
main() function. If this is happening, check the content
of the Command Line entry in the
23 | Cyclic dependency | |
24 | Invalid op-code | |
25 | Invalid constant index | |
26 | Invalid local variable index | |
27 | Not ready | |
28 | String too long | You have either attempted to create a string beyond the memory constraints of
the operating system or you have attempted to assign a string to an entity that will
cause it to exceed its size limitations, such as assigning a string to a blob using
putstring() where the string being assigned is too large.
29 | String null or empty | |
30 | Number out of range | |
31 | Not implemented | |
32 | Cannot create | |
33 | Invalid data | |
34 | End of data | |
35 | Invalid attribute | |
36 | No end tag | |
37 | Required tag not found | |
38 | Required attribute not found | |
39 | Incorrect number of parameters | |
40 | Incorrect parameter type | |
41 | Parameter not found | |
42 | Parameter used twice | |
43 | Parameter not object | |
44 | The mixture of parameters is invalid | |
45 | Incompatible version | |
46 | Module not found | |
47 | Module not valid SIMPOL | |
48 | IP address not found | |
49 | Window creation failed | |
50 | Operation not allowed with a reference | |
51 | Operation only allowed with a reference | |
52 | Not embeddable | |
53 | Value, not object reference | |
54 | Object, not object reference | |
55 | You have attempted to assign a value to a read-only property. | |
56 | Program finished — internal | |
57 | ESF1: Invalid Event — internal | |
58 | ESF1: Invalid Object you have supplied a next control reference that is from a
different form. | |
59 | General OS failure | |
60 | Debugger: Malformed statement — internal | |
61 | Not enough temporary space | |
62 | Beyond capabilities of the current version. | You have attempted to do something that is completely beyond the capabilities of
the OS where the language is currently running. For example, you have attempted to
read string value that is so large that the current OS can't even handle the numeric
size of the required buffer. |
63 | Bad structure | This implies some form of file corruption when reading an SMP or a file in SBM
format. |
64 | End of data | Information message indicating that an attempt to read past the current point
has reached the end of the available data. |
65 | Invalid special operator. | You have used the member operator ! in conjunction with a
type for which it has not yet been defined. |
66 | Invalid square bracket operator | You have used the square bracket operator [] in conjunction
with a type for which it is invalid. |
67 | Subscript miscount | This is an error related to the use of the square brackets operator and is
type-specific. |
68 | Subscript mistype | |
69 | Subscript out of range | |
70 | Blob too big | You have either attempted to create or enlarge a blob beyond the memory
constraints of the operating system or you have attempted to assign a blob to an
entity that will cause it to exceed its size limitations, such as assigning a blob to
another blob using putblob() where the blob being assigned is too
large. |
71 | Blob null or empty | You have passed a null or empty blob to a function that requires a blob.
72 | Invalid usage | You have attempted to run a program as Fast-CGI that isn't being called
using the Fast-CGI conventions. |
73 | Deadly embrace | You have attempted to lock a lock1 object with a request to
block. Other threads are currently locking this object and the program is currently in
such a state that it will not be able to continue since the blocking thread will not
be able to acquire the lock which will result in the entire program hanging. This
situation has been detected and your program has therefore been terminated. |
74 | Containment type error | You have attempted to assign an object to a container that is not appropriate.
This can occur if you attempt to assign a wxform to a window1 object, since a wxform
can only be contained by valid wxcontainer types. |
75 | Containment error | |
76 | Invalid parameter | The parameter definition for the shared library function was syntactically
incorrect. |
77 | Cannot find | The shared library function that you attempted to find was not in the library.
78 | Invalid bit count | |
79 | Invalid type specified | |
80 | Delimiter mismatch | |
81 | Invalid character | |
82 | Duplicate element | You tried to add a duplicate element to a set that has been set to not
allow duplicates. |
83 | Element not found | You have attempted to access an element value in a set that does not exist. |
84 | Wrong module | You have defined a member function for a type in a module that does not contain the type definition. |
85 | Type not found for function | You have defined a function as a member function for a type that does not exist in the same module. |
86 | Abandoned | This is the return value to use from a callback function for the report engine if the report should be cancelled. |
200 | Object has no value | You have attempted to retrieve the value of an object that has no value. |
1000 | Internal | This is an internal error. If this error occurs, please record the circumstances
that lead to the error and report it to Superbase. |
1010 | Internal | This is an internal error. If this error occurs, please record the circumstances
that lead to the error and report it to Superbase Software Limited. |